Recent and notable jobs

GUI and testing suite for Neurotechnology research

Crowne was approached by a research group at Imperial College to help develop a testing suite. We helped researchers to adapt and develop a basic application built with common python libraries which allowed for easy and efficient participation in experiments by hearing impaired individuals.

"The most important part of this was that we didn't just need a system - we needed a system which we could alter and develop as the research progressed, so we needed to understand it. Crowne built a simple base for us to build on, and explained how it all worked, speeding up our resarch by 2-3 months at the very least. They were friendly, professional, and had great chat."

Reverse valuation and benchmarking system for a leading private Wealth Manager

CeedBroe are ultra-high-net-worth wealth managers. We built a bespoke client managment system which not only integrates flawlessly with their current CRM, but also allows them to run detailed evaluations of highly specific client portfolios. The system frees over 200 hours of labour (conservative estimate)

"Crowne has saved us a huge amount of time and made our office more efficient by several orders of magnitude."

Bespoke Website and SEO

Lydia Abbard has a number of business ideas, but her designs require slightly more than a simple wordpress website can deliver. Lynne contracted us to advise throughout the entire online developlment process. We built a number of the websites in house, and are currently helping with the generation and development of a smart-phone application. Our role is to point Lynne in the right direction to help her to get started.

"Using Crowne to deal with the development of the online presense for my business made my life ten times easier, and kick-started my career as an entrepreneur."