Click to learn more about our work with areas including:

Robotic Process Automation

In the simplest possible terms, this means getting a computer to do a repetitve or digital task with minimal human input. This can range from doing one's accounts, sending follow up emails based on templates, completing and sending off orders etc.

This may include tasks that you haven't previously considered for automation. We are also aware that while things can be automated, often the best direction is to not automate. We know the limitations of technology. That is why we make an effort beyond all of our competitors to get to know what is important to you, so our suggestions make a real difference.

System selection and implimentation

Lets say you run a wealth management firm, and need a back office system: there are perhaps 20 good ones to choose from, but what are the differences. Sure, you could google all of the jargon, read countless reviews, and waste days at a time trying desperately to understand the various benefits and drawbacks of a number of similar products... or, you could ask us. We are more than happy to chat to find out exactly what you want and need, and then will do all of the leg work for you, including narrowing down the selection to a few suitable models, and then making sure the new systems gets up and running swiftly. If it needs tweaking, or even a bit of alteration, we are happy to write a bespoke system on top of the newly implimented one to make sure it is perfect for you.

Perhaps more importantly, we make sure that you only spend what you need to spend: why run the risk of buying a complex and overengineered system you don't understand, and potentially won't even use?

Website and Application development

Whatever your business is, it needs an online presence. We happily develop websites and applications, and will offer a helping hand to those attempting to do it alone. We understand that wordpress sites look great, but to take it the next step usually requires a little more.

General Consulting and acceleration

Trying to set up an app? Want to launch an online business? We are here to help, either just to point you in the right direction, or to build it with you from the ground up. We aren't tied to any single product, so we have no problem in pointing you in the right direction.

We build a system, consult on the implimentation of an exisitng system, or remain on hand as a consultant on call

Having completed our research, we are happy to either manage the entirety of the change process, take a back-seat role as a consultant-on-call or even, if the best course of action is to take no action at all, conclude our dealings. We are happy to talk about any proposal you may have, at any point. Any work we undertake, we make sure that we disucss progress and developments with you at all points. We aim to forge a lasting and ongoing partership, and we feel that is best built by complete transparency and collaboration.

Ongoing Relationship

Following any interaction, we make a point of keeping in contact. Any questions you may have, any concerns and any developments are always reason to call.