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Basic run through of our initial service

We offer an initial chat completely free of charge to discuss how Crowne can help.

This chat will touch on the nature of your business: the day to day activities, problems you may face or areas in which you feel modernisation may be possible

A meeting to examine your current situation

A member of our team will meet you for an in depth discussion. This discussion will most likely delve into the current systems and practices in place, touch on the directions you would like to move into, and touch on the possible options which we could explore. The point of this chat is to really understand what your 'perfect world' scenario is. We believe that often the processes which matter to small firms go beyond simple efficiency. Therefore rather than lumping customers into set boxes or bins, we make sure to take the time understand the idiosyncrasities of each firm in order to add genuine value rather than suggest generic options which may not be effective.

We do our research

We research all options. Often this will be looking at building a new system on-top of your current system, implimenting a new off-the-shelf system and then tayloring it to your needs, or building a completely bespoke system from scratch. We are a completely independent consultant: we are not tied to any products or services.

We discuss the options

We present our findings to you, and discuss how to best move forwards. We want to make it clear that this is not a pitch: this is a discussion. We understand technology - unlike some consultants, we do not claim to understand your business better than you. Our role at this stage is purely advisory.

We build a system, consult on the implimentation of an exisitng system, or remain on hand as a consultant on call

Having completed our research, we are happy to either manage the entirety of the change process, take a back-seat role as a consultant-on-call or even, if the best course of action is to take no action at all, conclude our dealings. We are happy to talk about any proposal you may have, at any point. Any work we undertake, we make sure that we disucss progress and developments with you at all points. We aim to forge a lasting and ongoing partership, and we feel that is best built by complete transparency and collaboration.

Ongoing Relationship

Following any interaction, we make a point of keeping in contact. Any questions you may have, any concerns and any developments are always reason to call.